Potent Potables potions

Attack AugmenterCommonIncrease the damage of all Attack cards in your hand by 4 this combat.
Ballistic BrewCommonYour next Attack deals 100% more damage and ignores Block.
Baneful BlendCommonYour Attack cards deal 2 additional damage per debuff on their targets this combat.
Block BoosterCommonIncrease the Block of all Block giving cards in your hand by 4 this combat.
Speedy SpiritCommonDraw 2 cards. Next turn, draw 2 cards.
Witch WaterCommonThis turn, whenever an Attack deals unblocked damage, apply 1Weak.
Doping DraughtUncommonGain 5Strength. At the end of each turn, lose 1Strength.
Exotic ElixirUncommonExhaust ALL your Status and Curse cards. Heal 1 HP for each card Exhausted this way.
Lively LiquorUncommonReduce the cost of 2 random cards in your hand by 1 this combat.
Marvelous MilkUncommonGain 1Dexterity. Whenever you play 5Skills, gain 1 additional Dexterity.
Patient PiggybankUncommonGain 12Gold. While held, increase this potion's Gold gain by 6 at the end of each combat.
Poised PerfumeUncommonGain 2 temporary Strength. While held, gain 2 temporary Strength at the start of each combat.
Prolific PotionUncommonChoose a card in your hand. Add 1 copy of that card into your hand. While held, add a copy of this potion to the rewards at the end of each combat.
Tenacious TeaUncommonGain 8Block. While held, gain 4Block at the start of each combat.
Infernal InfusionRareAttacks deal double damage this turn.
Magic ManipulatorRareIncrease the effectiveness of potions by 100% this combat.
Metallic MixtureRarePrevent the next time you would lose HP. While held, whenever you would lose HP, lose 1 less.
Miraculous MedleyRareGain 2Energy. While held, add 1Miracle into your hand at the start of each combat.
Sanative SolutionRareHeal 10 HP. While held, heal 2 HP at the start of each combat.
Volcanic VaporsRareDeal 15 damage to ALL enemies. While held, deal 5 damage to ALL enemies at the start of each combat.

Potent Potables keywords

TODOTODO: Make your own epic keywords